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Genesys Cloud

Prerequisites for a web-chat flow

These steps are for setting up a web-chat flow using the auvious widget

  1. Create a new widget in Contact Center | Widgets. Widget type: Third Party.
  2. Once you have created the widget, you will see the Deployment Key. Copy it and paste it to the ‘pc-deployment-id’ property of Auvious Widget.
  3. Copy the queue name you wish to use for the widget (found in Admin | Queues) and set it to ‘pc-queue’.
  4. Retrieve the Organization ID from Account Settings | Organization settings | Advanced and set it to ‘pc-organization-id’.
  5. Retrieve the Application ID from Auvious | Settings | Application Configuration and set it to ‘application-id’.

To enable scheduled video calls using the callback interaction in Genesys Cloud, follow the steps below:

  1. Retrieve the callback queue name found in ‘Admin | Queues | <your-callback-queue>’ and set it to ‘pc-callback-queue’.

  2. Set the ‘auvious-environment’ parameter to ‘’

  3. Go to ‘Admin | Integrations | OAuth’ and create a new client by clicking ‘Add Client

  4. Provide a name and description and set a Grant Type of ‘Client Credentials’.

  5. Assign a role with the following permissions:

    1. conversation:callback:create
    2. routing:queue:view
  6. When you save, copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

  7. Go to ‘Auvious | Settings | Application Configuration’ and paste them to ‘OAuth Client ID” and ‘OAuth Client Secret’.

  8. Enable ‘Scheduling for agents’ and set the channel to callback in ‘Auvious | Settings’.

  9. Click ‘Save’.

Ensure that your website is served over https and not http.


Web-chat limitations

  • agentConnected event carries a member id, not the actual user id of the agent in Genesys Coud. You would have to get the conversation details and look at the members to find the id.

Prerequisites for a web-messaging flow

If you would like to use a web-messaging flow you will have to create a web messenger configuration and deployment.

  1. Set the option chat-mode="genesys-web-messaging"
  2. Create a new configuration in Admin | Messenger Configurations. The messenger appearance options have no effect.
  3. Create a new inbound message flow in Admin | Architect.
  4. Create a new deployment in Admin | Messenger Deployments using the configuration from step 2 and the flow from step 3.
  5. Get the Deployment Key and set it to pc-deployment-id
  6. Retrieve the Application ID from Auvious | Settings | Application Configuration and set it to ‘application-id’.
  7. Retrieve the Organization ID from Account Settings | Organization settings | Advanced and set it to ‘pc-organization-id’.
  8. Go to Auvious | Settings | Genesys and paste the Deployment key on the section "Web Messaging" and click 'Get Messenger Deployment'
  9. You should be able to see the configuration and deployment you created in step 4. Click on 'Sync Configuration'. This way the widget will become aware of the Genesys configuration.

Whenever you make a change in the Messenger Configuration and Deployment, you need to repeat steps 8 and 9.


web-messaging limitations

  • conversationStarted event does not carry a conversation id
  • agentConnected event does not carry an agent id
  • Predictive engagement is not supported
  • ChatBot action buttons (Quick reply) are not supported

Supported Messenger Configuration options

Genesys provides a plethora of options on how to configure the Genesys Web Messaging widget. We try to support as many of those options as possible. Please check the table below for support options

Genesys optionSupportNotes
Launcher Button Visibility-You can use our widget options.
User Interface-You can hide our widget and use the provided methods and events.
Messenger Homescreen-
Humanize your ConversationThe agent's name and avatar appears on our widget when the first message from the agent reaches our widget.
Messenger position-You can use our widget options.
Supported Languages & Labels-You can use our widget methods.
Default Language-You can use our widget options.
Clear ConversationIf ON, when the customer ends the conversation in our widget, the conversation also ends on the agent. Otherwise the conversation stays open and the agent does not know if the customer actually left the chat.
Conversation DisconnectAll the 3 options apply when the agent ends the conversation in Genesys. Option 1: The customer does not get a notification that the agent ended the conversation. Option 2: The conversation ends on the customer side but the chat transcript is preserved. Option 3: Same as 2 but the chat history is cleared.
Rich Text Formatting-
Automatically Start ConversationsIf OFF, a message is sent automatically from our widget to the agent so as to create an incoming interaction. If ON, an incoming interaction appears on the agent without any messages being sent.
AttachmentsIf ON, a button to attach files appears on our widget.
Typing IndicatorsIf ON, typing indicators appear for agent and customer accordingly.
Cobrowse-You can use our co-browse solution with our widget.
AuthenticationUse our exposed method setAuthenticatedSessionCode to set the token.

Configuration options

The widget exposes the following properties that are specific for Genesys Cloud:

pc-environmentYesany of the available environmentsThe purecloud instance it will send API calls to. ex:
pc-widget-script-urlNoa valid URLYou can change the default url from where the genesys cloud web chat service is loaded. The default one is https://apps.${pc-environment}/widgets/9.0/cxbus.min.js.
pc-widget-plugins-pathNoa valid URLYou can change the plugins path. The default one is https://apps.${pc-environment}/widgets/9.0/plugins.
pc-queueYesThe queue name it will connect to.
pc-callback-queueYes*The genesys callback queue name the interaction will be routed to. *Required if callback widget is enabled.
pc-organization-idYesThe purecloud organization id.
pc-deployment-idYesThe deployment id located in purecloud.
schedule-modeNogenesys-callbackgenesys-callback, genesys-appointmentWhat scheduling channel to use. If you are using callback use the genesys-callback mode. Otherwise if you use appointments use the genesys-appointment.
interaction-keep-alive-timeout-secondsNo0integerONLY available in chat-mode=genesys-cloud. By configuring this to a positive value X, interactions will automatically disconnect after X seconds if the customer closes the window or loses network connection while on queue. This automates disconnection, reducing the need for manual or programmatic intervention. This feature mitigates Genesys Cloud's lack of an inherent mechanism to handle such scenarios.
queue-estimate-wait-time**Nofalsetrue,falseIf enabled, it will contact genesys cloud every 10 seconds and retrieve the estimated wait time for that queue, as provided by the Genesys service.
pc-queue-idNo**The id of the queueIf the queue-estimate-wait-time is enabled you will also need to set this property. You can get the queue-id in auvious settings.
customer-display-name-broadcastNofalsetrue,falseApplies only to Web Messaging. Sends the customer's name as a chat message to the agent since Web Messaging does not offer this funcionality.

customer-email is required for a genesys-appointment. If none provided, it will be asked from the customer when setting up an appointment in the widget.

Genesys Premise

Configuration options

The widget exposes the following properties that are specific for Genesys Premise:

pc-environmentYesany of the available environmentsThe purecloud instance it will send API calls to. ex:
data-urlIf set, comet-* are not neededHttp url pointing to Genesys Engage GMS channel.Sets the dataURL parameter in Genesys Widgets webchat configuration. Only in combination with chat-mode: “genesys-premise”. Either this or comet-url must be supplied for connecting to Genesys Engage.
comet-urlIf no data-url is set, all 3 are neededHttp url pointing to Genesys Engage CometD serviceSets the cometD.cometURL parameter in Genesys Widgets webchat configuration. Only in combination with chat-mode: “genesys-premise”
comet-channelNoString denoting the channel to use for cometDSets the parameter in Genesys Widgets webchat configuration. Only in combination with chat-mode: “genesys-premise”. Must be supplied if comet-url is defined.
comet-api-urlNoHttp url pointing to Genesys Engage api url service.Sets cometD.apiURL parameter in Genesys Widgets webchat configuration. Only in combination with chat-mode: “genesys-premise”. Necessary for file transfers to work.